A spectacular method to succeed as a public Speaker!
For the first time in Elearning!
Module 1: Acting Skills
Module 2: Stage Fright Victim
Module 3: Presence
Module 4: Breathing & Relaxation
Module 5: Voice Power
Module 6: Impact
Module 7: Get Emotional
Module 8: Communicate like an Artist
A spectacular method to succeed as a public Speaker!
For the first time in Elearning!
Module 1: Acting Skills
Module 2: Stage Fright Victim
Module 3: Presence
Module 4: Breathing & Relaxation
Module 5: Voice Power
Module 6: Impact
Module 7: Get Emotional
Module 8: Communicate like an Artist
Did you know?… In polls, “Fear of Public Speaking” ranks just below the “Fear of Dying” and “Fear of Snakes”!
The author of this book was a “Stage Fright Victim” herself… so she speaks from experience!
This beast hounded her throughout her acting career… until she decided it was time to slay it!
Do you want to achieve the stage presence and confidence of an actor?
The persuasiveness of a stellar salesman?
The charisma of a great speaker?
Your success, in any area of your life, depends on how much conviction you put across. In this book, actress and certified public speaking coach, Carmela Valente, reveals the secrets of the world’s great artists and takes you through the techniques you need in order to succeed, convince and captivate through the art of public speaking.
The intention of this book is to help you be the achiever of your own success, performing outstandingly in every one of those strategic, make-or-break moments of your life!
This book is essential! Reading it and applying the techniques gave me such confidence that I am finally starting to enjoy speaking. The stage fright which was paralyzing me is almost gone and I feel comfortable when I give my presentation in front of lawyers and magistrates. Jacques Chamard – Judicial expert by the Court of Appeal in Paris.
This is a book to read now and apply at once! Carmela Valente’s style is humorous, clear and to the point. This is a pragmatic know how book with tons of precious advices. Elisabeth Chervonaz – Feminine Polytechnic Engineer – President of Softel