Acting Method International®, the secrets of the Actor at the service of the Manager

trains and coaches you personally in public speaking and storytelling with the actor’s techniques, adapted to the business world.

"Carmela Valente's coaching made me take a turn in my professional career, I went from Plant Director to EHS Global Director."

Philippe Cuny

"This mode of training linked to the theater offers scenarios which immediately reveal the points to be improved"

JB Sangnier
HRD BOLLORE for Africa

Advance arguments that win support in your Public Speaking

Public speaking internship

How to develop your charisma
be as comfortable and confident as an actor on stage.

Traineeship Storytelling

How to use the magic of storytelling to stand out brilliantly in these “everything-in-a-lifetime” moments.

Personalized coaching

How to bring out your qualities as an actor to give panache to your pitch, your speech or press conference.

Negotiation internship

How To Become An Expert In Negotiating Tactics And Put Your Opponents On checkmate !