What makes us different: YOU!

Actors' secrets at managers' fingertips, revealed by a professional actress at the top of her game.

Charisma, magnetism and the gift of persuasion are qualities that some people are naturally born with. But it is possible to obtain or develop such powers in order to turn any kind of situation to one’s advantage particularly in public speaking. Based on over 25 years of experience on stage and in front of the camera, from both an actor’s and director’s point of view, Carmela created Acting Method International to help and give managers like yourself the secrets of all great actors. More presence and confidence, and less stress, to help you leave a dazzlingly convincing impression in those make-break moments in life. »

You are unique and this is captivating. When I coach you, I work with your personality, the way you express yourself, your voice, the words you use, your values and your unique vision. These are your reliable foundations.

My pedagogical approach is gradual and covers all the steps of public speaking.  I designed the drills in a specific order that allows you to gain confidence and release you from your restraints. How to be charismatic and bond with your audience, how to enhance your body language, your tone voice, how to play with emotions to capture your public… Every topic is practiced to perfection.

Another strategic issue in public speaking is your ability to build a great speech. What makes a good movie ? The story ! Story is the king ! Your presentation, your pitch must hook your audience. Again we will create a speech which is unique, tailor-made for you. A speech that will inspire the people.

My role is to highlight, magnify you as a public speaker and ensure that YOUR message is memorable.

Get in the very skin of your character and follow me on the red carpet…

"I never thought so many results could be gotten in just 2 days of training."
Land surveyor

Acting Method International:

Tens of thousands of executives, employees and individuals have been successfully trained on our copyrighted method: “Acting Skills for Managers.”
A powerful work method including practical exercises and filmed role-playing to enable you to develop in-depth skills fast.
Customized training programs and coaching to cater to your own specific needs.

For any information request, contact Acting Method International