Negotiation Tactics

LEVEL 1: Negotiation strategy

LEVEL 2: Negotiation strategy for large accounts

This program is for managers and sales or non-sales staff alike, to help them deal with difficult or conflictual situations (balance of power with a buyer, a customer who is dissatisfied or refusing to sign or re-sign, talks with unions, etc.).

Convince and handle conflict skillfully, to win

→ Obtain better results from negotiations
→ Present arguments that gain approval and solidarity
→ Be better prepared for opposition, refusals and conflict
→ Develop a winning strategy
→ Reset the balance of power
→ Take a step back and remain calm under pressure
→ Manage and outwit difficult emotional responses

" While I was on the course, I called a supplier and got evrything I wanted... And more!"

For any information request, contact Acting Method International