In our every day life we have to make numerous choices and decisions. In our professional or private life, our choices impact our future and although we hopefully learn from our mistakes we may as well put all the chances on our side and improve our ability to take serenely the best decisions right from the start.
Decision-making is a complex and vital aspect in management ! Because it is towards the manager that the team look at when it’s urgent to solve a problem, a great manager should be able to take the right decisions and sometimes in a flash. He needs to be able to think with logic and react fast.
A great manager should also get his team to improve their decision-making so that they can trust their own judgement and increase their zone of responsibility.
Nevertheless, anyone should be able to improve his ability to take the right decision according to the situation and the time allotted.
Our judgment is influenced by our education, experience, environment, personality and …our emotions! And there are at least 6 ways to make a decision resulting on those.
Of course, there is a 7th deadly option which is to not take decision (: «we know what happens to people who stay in the middle of the road they get run over» A. Bevan
Personally, I am very impulsive in nature, which has often played tricks on me ! I had to learn to dominate my impulses, to control my emotions, to manage my stress and to develop my… emotional intelligence.
Intelligence, from the Latin word intellegere, means the ability to understand, analyze and reason. Emotion, from the Latin emovere, ex-out + movere to move, is a phenomenon constituting a response to internal and external stimuli.
Emotion can then be a reaction, without any thinkingness involved but fortunately it can also be a creation. The creation of emotions is a gift that many artists play with, especially the actors and I talk a lot about that ability and how to improve it, in my book .
The association of these two concepts intelligence and emotion means the ability to live one’s emotions with intelligence.
Emotional intelligence refers to the ability to perceive, name, control and respond properly to the emotions of others. The brilliant public speaker is able to perceive the emotional level of the audience in front of him and can adjust his communication to get some agreement with the people.
When talking to a friend or a colleague you need to perceive their emotion. Have you ever tried to explain your project with enthusiasm to an angry or a sad person ? Chances are that you will be rejected. How can you deal with this and still get your message across ? That is an art that you need to study and practice.
One needs to understand thoroughly the subject of emotions and practice it. Exactly the same way an actor practice this skill ! Understanding emotions is key to self-confidence, to better relationships, and to communicate ideas successfully.
- Understand the subject of emotions
- Identify and describe the different emotions
- Perceive them accurately
- Create any emotions at will
- Using that skill to communicate with the proper emotion
- Manage stress
- Energize those around you
- Promote your ideas using the correct emotion to get a positive response
- Improve your ability to take the right decisions
The field of the emotional and its Dr Jekyll and M. Hyde side is fascinating, indeed emotions can negatively alter our judgment just as they can illuminate our daily life! Learning to understand, tame and dominate them is an integral part of the work of the actor that I explain in my book ,and that you can practice in my E-leaning and in my public speaking sessions. Any manager should be able to practice and become an expert in that skill.
During those sessions you will learn and practice key data to become a great manager using public speaking skills.You will start with a quiz to discover : what type of decision-maker you are and the 6 ways of decision taking. Then you will practice and master each part of public speaking abilities. Increase presence and impact. Increase confidence and leadership. Enhance your body language and use the power of your voice. Use emotions to motivate yourself and inspire others. Make your ideas resonate with a memorable emotional speech and so much more…
See you soon!
Carmela Valente
«Talent as well as competence and confidence, comes with practice, training and repetition»
This article is from Carmela Valente’s book “Bye bye stage fright – Become a great public speaker.” Copyright © 2015 Carmela Valente. All right reserved.
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